Sprouted Mung Side – Goan Style

Last couple of months have been tough world wide! The mayhem caused by the the virus COVID 19 continues and we all are trying to stay safe. We can take care by staying indoors, by practising social distancing and staying healthy and calm.  To stay healthy it is important to consume healthy food, food that is rich in protein. It is common knowledge that proteins are a very important part of  our diet. Not only do they build and repair body tissue but they also help to fight viral and bacterial infections. So this function of proteins of increasing the body immunity to fight infections is what is really important today. 

Sprouted Mung beans are one of the best plant sources of protein. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, fibre, essential amino acids and antioxidants. These small green legumes when sprouted undergo change in their nutritional composition lowering the calorific value and increasing the nutritional value, especially the protein. 

With so many advantages, it is but natural that sprouted mung beans are a part of my diet in many forms. I am sharing here a recipe for a side dish using the sprouts. It is my mother-in-laws’s recipe and reflects her Goan heritage. It is so easy to make because it doesn’t require any cooking and is absolutely delicious! 


  1. Sprouted Mung beans – 1 cup
  2. Grated fresh coconut – 1/2 cup
  3. Green Chillies – 2-3 
  4. Hing(asafoetida) – 1/4 tsp
  5. Salt – to taste
  6. Sugar – to taste
  7. Chopped Corriander – 3-4 tbsp
  8. Lemon juice –  1 tbsp


  1. In a mortar and pestle, coarsely crush the chopped green chillies, hing and salt together.
  2. In a bowl, toss together the above crushed chillies, grated coconut, chopped coriander, sugar, lemon juice and sprouted mung beans together. Adjust the seasoning to taste. Serve at room temperature or cold in a serving bowl.

So simple isn’t it?  The mung beans have to be soaked overnight and then sprouted well.  As we are eating them raw, make sure that they are soaked in drinking water and not tap water. Here, the grated fresh coconut is also very important because it adds oodles of taste and nutrition. The quantity of chillies will depend on the type so chose what you can consume. This is a great make ahead dish as a side for a party. It is also a healthy afternoon snack. 

Now that you all are homebound, without any help and want to make something hassle free yet healthy, give this dish a try. I promise you that you won’t regret it. 

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